
Fields of expertise

The reputation of SMEs & ETIs is our priority!

Co-construct with you a personalized, multi-targeted, multi-channel program based on relevant content: Media Relations & Influencers, Institutional Film, Media-Training, Digital & Website, Social Networks, Art at the service of Brand Strategy, etc.

Medias Relations

The Media remain this essential status of public relay to build your reputation with your customers, your partners and general public. L’Étrusque designs tailored media strategies for French and international clients, B2B and B2C, in various fields such as Healthcare, Art, Culture, Technology, Retail and Food, Environment, Education and Children, Real Estate or the Public Sector.

Influenceurs Relations

Working with influencers presupposes a prior analysis of your brand’s DNA, which must find its right place and legitimacy within the influencer’s editorial line: the “perfect match” that will help build the link between your brand and its consumers, thereby increasing your notoriety.


The Artist view – draughtsman, painter, designer, photographer, video maker etc. – can nourish brand vision, enhance image and sustain emotional bond with target audiences, to final target: consumers. Art gives meaning to customer experience: before, during and after purchase (presentation, offer, event…). Alongside, the Artist’s message supports brand business strategy and/or brand positioning. 

Digital & web sites​

The priority of digital visibility goes through a “showcase” website that will present your brand/company, share your values, highlight your culture, enhance your products and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Art, serving brand strategy

The Artist view – draughtsman, painter, designer, photographer, video maker etc. – can nourish brand vision, enhance image and sustain emotional bond with target audiences, to final target: consumers. Art gives meaning to customer experience: before, during and after purchase (presentation, offer, event…). Alongside, the Artist’s message supports brand business strategy and/or brand positioning. 

Social Networks

Today without visibility on social networks… forget about notoriety and reputation! A strategy of targeted content on the right tone allows you to make your voice heard, with relevance and impact, and to make for your brand and its products attractive.